Colour coded guide to vaginal discharge.



A woman’s body is very complex. Women's reproductive organs always need to be in optimum condition. But sometimes it is not easy to determine the condition of your vital organ like a vagina. It is common for every woman to have a vaginal discharge. One may think that it’s not normal but it is a false notion as it’s a sign that the vagina is healthy. It keeps your vagina healthy as it removes the traces of dead cells and bacteria from the vagina. One can say that vaginal discharge is your inbuilt system of cleaning it. This is also good in keeping the infections away.

Amongst the cities, Vaginal discharge treatment in Gurgaon is the best place to learn more about it.

Its frequency.

The amount of discharge varies from time to time. The amount of discharge is used to determine the health of your vagina. This is beneficial in knowing more about your reproductive organ health. Sometimes it may be more and sometimes it is less but all discharges have their meaning.

The scenario for discharge.

Any vaginal discharge is dependent on situations like ovulation, emotional stress, sexual activity, and breastfeeding. The most discharge will happen usually from a sexual activity like sexual arousal. In a normal scenario, the discharge will be normal.

The least discharge will happen when one is not ovulating.

When a woman is pregnant the discharge varies from day to day.

The color Guide.

Vaginal discharge is categorized according to its color. Its color varies according to the monthly cycle. This is your ultimate guide in achieving good vaginal health. A knowledgeable doctor will inform you about the colors. Every woman needs to decode the color of the discharge.

Let’s know more about the discharge colors and their meanings.

-  White discharge.

This is the most common form of vaginal discharge. Its frequency is normally monthly. It will occur at the beginning of the end of your monthly cycle. White discharge is a sign that one's vagina is healthy. It becomes a cause of concern when discharge is thicker than usual and itchy.

This is an indicative sign that something is abnormal. It is the most prominent sign of yeast infection.

White discharge is the one that happens normally hence there is no cause of worry.

-  Watery discharge.

This is yet another common form of discharge. It can happen anytime during the month. Being watery it is a sign that you are healthy. There are certain scenarios when watery discharge may happen suddenly. This can happen after exercise and arousal. During these conditions its flow becomes heavy.

It is the optimum sign that your vagina is healthy and germ-free.

-  Stretchy discharge.

This is another common variant of vaginal discharge. It is usually very clear but it is thick like a mucous. It is a sign that our body has started ovulation. This usually happens 15 days after your periods. All women have this discharge.

There is no cause to worry about stretchy discharge.

-  Blood or brown color discharge.

Most women have spotted brown or blood color discharge. They may not know the reason for it. Such discharge happens during or after your menstruation cycle. If your period is about to end the discharge will be brown.

Sometimes it also indicates the irregularity in your periods.

-  Spotting.

This is a term everyone the woman knows very well. It is referred to as a very small amount of blood discharge in between your periods. Sometimes it may happen during the pregnancy too.

-  Yellow discharge.

This is a very rare and abnormal color for vaginal discharge. A yellow color discharge is thick in texture. At the same time, it has a foul smell.  This is the indication that something is not well with your vagina. Most women won't get this discharge as it comes in exceptional situations.

-  Pink discharge.

This is not your usual vaginal color discharge. It happens only post-pregnancy. It means your uterine lining is shedding. It goes away with time.

-  Grey discharge.

It’s the most unknown color for vaginal discharge. This one may feel very itchy. This is an indication that you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

It does not affect women normally.

If you notice any changes or smell in discharge. It is ideal to consult a doctor. One should never ignore grey and bloody discharge and should consult the doctor immediately.


It is now established that vaginal discharge is normal. One should keep a watch on the type of discharge. In the long run, it is beneficial in keeping your vagina and reproductive health healthy.

About Lamidas.

Lamidas provides the best vaginal discharge treatment in Gurgaon. You can clarify all your doubts about the vaginal discharges here.  Doctors here will guide you in managing good vaginal health.
